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- Alabama Booksmith (USA)Alabama
- Page and Palette (USA)Alabama
- The Poisoned Pen (USA)Arizona
- Antigone Books (USA)Arizona
- Changing Hands (USA)Arizona
- Mostly Books (USA)Arizona
- Nightbird Books (USA)Arkansas
- Barrington books (USA)Barrington
- Russo’s books (USA)Bakersfield’s
- Pegasus Books (USA)Berkeley
- Valore Books (USA)Boston
- Brookline Booksmith (USA)Brooklyn
- Wild Rumpus (USA)California
- A Great Good place for Books (USA)California
- Alexander Book Company (USA)California
- Apostrophe Books (USA)California
- Bank of books (USA)California
- Bay Book (USA)California
- Book Passage (USA)California
- Bookshop Benicia (USA)California
- Book Smart (USA)California
- Browser books (USA) California
- Coastside Books (USA)California
- Copperfield’s Books (USA)California
- Depot Bookstore (USA)California
- Distant Lands (USA)California
- East West (USA)California
- Flintridge Bookstore & Coffehouse (USA)California
- Four- eyed frog books (USA)California
- Gallery bookshop & Bookwinkle’s Children’s Book (USA)California
- Northtown books (USA)California
- Rakestraw books (USA)California
- Reader’s Books (USA)California
- The Book Seller (USA)California
- Warwick’s (USA)California
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- Women and Children first (USA)Chicago
- Seminary Co-op seminaries (USA)Chicago
- The Book Cellar (USA)Chicago
- Joseph-Beth Booksellers (USA)Cincinnati
- Tattered Cover Bookstore (USA)Colorado
- Boulder Bookstore (USA)Colorado
- Between the covers (USA)Colorado
- Book train (USA)Colorado
- The Bookworm of Edwards (USA)Colorado
- Boulder Bookstore (USA)Colorado
- Explore booksellers (USA)Colorado
- Macdonald bookshop (USA)Colorado
- Maria’s Bookshop (USA)Colorado
- Off The Beaten Path (USA)Colorado
- Old Firehouse books (USA)Colorado
- Next Page books (USA)Colorado
- West Side Books (USA)Colorado
- R.J. Julia Booksellers (USA)Connecticut
- Bank Square Books (USA)Connecticut
- Barrett bookstore (USA)Connecticut
- Hickory Stick bookshop (USA)Connecticut
- UConn Co-op bookstore (USA)Connecticut
- Yale College (USA)Connecticut
- Joseph-Beth Booksellers (USA)Crestview Hills
- The Avid Reader (USA)Davis
- Browse about books (USA)Delaware
- Ninth street bookshop (USA)Delaware
- Books and Books (USA)Florida
- B & L Books (USA)Florida
- Bookstore 1 (USA)Florida
- The family bookshop (USA)Florida
- Inkwood books (USA)Florida
- Pyramid books (USA)Florida
- Sanibel island bookshop (USA)Florida
- Wild Iris books (USA)Florida
- A Cappella books (USA)Georgia
- Avid bookshop (USA)Georgia
- Bound to be read books (USA)Georgia
- Charis Books (USA)Georgia
- Horton’s books (USA)Georgia
- Read it again (USA)Georgia
- Through the magic door (USA)Georgia
- Paper Back Swap (USA)Georgia
- Hayward Bookshop (USA)Hayward
- Textbook Recycling (USA)Idaho
- Book people of Moscow (USA)Idaho
- Iconoclast Books (USA)Idaho
- Rediscovered books (USA)Idaho
- Book vault (USA)Iowa
- Burlington by the book (USA)Iowa
- Dragonfly books (USA)Iowa
- River lights (USA)Iowa
- Anderson’s Bookshops (USA)Illinois
- Books on first (USA)Illinois
- Centuries & Sleuths bookstore (USA)Illinois
- Lake forest bookstore (USA)Illinois
- New Copperfield’s Bookservice (USA)Illinois
- The Book Bin (USA)Illinois
- The Book Table (USA)Illinois
- The Bookstore (USA)Illinois
- Hartfield Book Company (USA)Illinois
- Viewpoint books (USA)Indiana
- Better world books (USA)Indiana
- Brain Lair Books (USA)Indiana
- Rainy Day Books (USA)Kansas
- Carmichael’s Bookstore (USA)Kentucky
- Poor Richard’s bookstore (USA)Kentucky
- Blue Marble Books (USA)Kentucky
- The Morris Bookshop (USA)Kentucky
- The Booksellers At Laurelwood (USA)Laurelwood
- Joseph-Beth Booksellers (USA)Lexington
- Cavalier House Books (USA)Louisiana
- Garden District Bookshop (USA)Louisiana
- Octavia Books (USA)Louisiana
- Carmichael’s bookstore (USA)Louisville
- Skylight Books (USA)Los Angeles
- The Last Bookstore (USA)Los Angeles
- Pages (USA)Manhattan
- Devaney Doak & Garret Booksellers (USA)Maine
- Longfellow books (USA)Maine
- Imaginations bookstores (USA)Maryland
- Novel Books (USA)Maryland
- Maine Coast Bookshop (USA)Maine
- Odyssey bookstore (USA)Massachusetts
- Bookends (USA)Massachusetts
- The Brewster Bookstore (USA)Massachusetts
- The Broadside Bookshop (USA)Massachusetts
- Bunch of Grapes Bookstore (USA)Massachusetts
- Eight Cousins (USA)Massachusetts
- Harvard Bookstore (USA)Massachusetts
- Hugo Bookstores (USA)Massachusetts
- Jabberwocky Bookshop (USA)Massachusetts
- Nantacket Book Partner’s (USA)Massachusetts
- New England Mobile Book Fair (USA)Massachusetts
- On the Dot Books (USA)Massachusetts
- Pandemonium Books (USA)Massachusetts
- Porter Square Books (USA)Massachusetts
- Readmore Bookstore (USA)Massachusetts
- Story Book Cove (USA)Massachusetts
- The Bookloft (USA)Massachusetts
- The Concord bookshop (USA)Massachusetts
- Titcomb’s Bookshop (USA)Massachusetts
- Jabberwocky bookshop (USA)Massachusetts
- Un unlikely story (USA)Pennsylvania
- Kepler’s Books (USA)Menlo Park
- Sculer Books (USA)Michigan
- Best Sellers bookstore (USA)Michigan
- Bookbug bookstore (USA)Michigan
- Brilliant Books (USA)Michigan
- Cottage Bookshop (USA)Michigan
- Crazy Wisdom Bookstore (USA)Michigan
- Forever Books (USA)Michigan
- Great Lakes Book (USA)Michigan
- Horizon books (USA)Michigan
- Lowry’s Books (USA)Michigan
- Mclean &Eakin booksellers (USA)Michigan
- Saturn Booksellers (USA)Michigan
- Snowbound Books (USA)Michigan
- Magers&Quinn Booksellers (USA)Minneapolis
- Common Good Books (USA)Minnesota
- An open book (USA)Minnesota
- Excelsior Bay Books (USA)Minnesota
- Moon Palace Books (USA)Minnesota
- Paperbacks and Pieces (USA)Minnesota
- Book Mark (USA)Minnesota
- Red Balloon Bookshop (USA)Minnesota
- Turtle Town (USA)Minnesota
- Valley Bookseller (USA)Minnesota
- Great Lakes Book&Supply (USA)Minnesota
- Square Books (USA)Mississippi
- Dog eared books (USA)Missouri
- Left bank books (USA)Missouri
- Subterranean books (USA)Missouri
- Village books (USA)Missouri
- Thriftbooks (USA)Missouri
- Chapter One bookstore (USA)Montana
- Country bookshelf (USA)Montana
- Fact & fiction (USA)Montana
- Once upon a time (USA)Monte Rose
- Napa Bookmine (USA)Napa
- Chapter’s books (USA) Nebraska
- Gibson’s bookstore (USA)New Hampshire
- MainStreet Bookends of Warner (USA)New Hampshire
- The Toadstool Bookshops of Keene, Milford, and Peterborough (USA)New Hampshire
- Water street bookstore (USA)New Hampshire
- Hudson Booksellers (USA)New Jersey
- Watchung Booksellers (USA)New Jersey
- BookTowne (USA)New Jersey
- Clinton Bookshop (USA)New Jersey
- River Road Books (USA)New Jersey
- Well read (USA)New Jersey
- Little City Books (USA)New Jersey
- Book works (USA)New Mexico
- Sundance bookstore (USA)Nevada
- The bookworm (USA)New York
- Bank street bookstore (USA)New York
- Battenkill books (USA)New York
- Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza (USA)New York
- Books and books (USA)New York
- The Bookstore Plus (USA)New York
- The Burlingham Books (USA)New York
- New York University (USA) New York
- The Cornell University (USA)New York
- The Drama bookshop (USA)New York
- Hueman Bookstore (USA)New York
- Lift Bridge Book shop (USA)New York
- McNally Jackson (USA)New York
- Oblong books (USA)New York
- River Read books (USA)New York
- Saint Lawrence University (USA)New York
- Astoria Bookshop (USA)New York
- The Bookmark Shoppe (USA)New York
- The Golden Note Book (USA)New York
- The Open Door (USA)New York
- The River’s End (USA)New York
- World bookstore (USA)New York
- The Bookshelf (USA)New York
- Hue-man bookstore (USA)New York
- Buffalo Street Books (USA)New York
- Buxton Village Books (USA) North Carolina
- City Lights Bookstore (USA) North Carolina
- Ducks cottage (USA) North Carolina
- Flyleaf books (USA) North Carolina
- Literary bookpost (USA) North Carolina
- Malaprop’s bookstore (USA) North Carolina
- Park road books (USA) North Carolina
- Quail Ridge books (USA) North Carolina
- The regulator bookshop (USA) North Carolina
- The Country bookshop (USA) North Carolina
- The Bookworm (USA) North Carolina
- Plains Trading Co. Booksellers (USA) North Carolina
- Laurel Bookstore (USA)Oakland
- Bookbug bookstore (USA)Oakland
- Books ‘n’ more (USA)Ohio
- Paragraphs bookstore (USA)Ohio
- The learned Owl (USA)Ohio
- Annie Bloom’s Books (USA)Oregon
- Beach Books (USA)Oregon
- Broadway Books (USA)Oregon
- Grass Roots bookstore (USA)Oregon
- Jan’s Paperback (USA)Oregon
- Klindt’s Booksellers (USA)Oregon
- Paulina Springs Books (USA)Oregon
- Sunriver Books & Music (USA)Oregon
- Waucoma bookstore (USA)Oregon
- Winter River books (USA)Oregon
- Aaron’s Books (USA)Pennsylvania
- The Doylestown Bookshop (USA)Pennsylvania
- From my shelf (USA)Pennsylvania
- Giovanni’s room (USA)Pennsylvania
- Harleysville books (USA)Pennsylvania
- Main point Books (USA)Pennsylvania
- Newtown Bookshop (USA)Pennsylvania
- Otto bookstore (USA)Pennsylvania
- Penguin Bookstore (USA)Pennsylvania
- Barrington Books (USA)Pennsylvania
- Island books (USA)Pennsylvania
- Island Bound (USA)Pennsylvania
- Bookshop.org (USA)Pennsylvania
- Head house Books (USA)Philadelphia
- Powell’s (USA)Portland
- Mysterious Galaxy (USA)San Diego
- Booksmith (USA)San Francisco
- Green Apple Books (USA)San Francisco
- Vroman’s Bookstore (USA)San Francisco
- Books Inc (USA)San Francisco
- Modern times (USA)San Francisco
- Bright Side Bookshop (USA)San Francisco
- Hicklebee’s (USA)San Jose
- The reading bug (USA)Santa Carlos
- Bookshop Santa Cruz (USA)Santa Cruz
- Books on Broad (USA)South Carolina
- Mitzi’s Books (USA)South Dakota
- Prairie Pages (USA)South Dakota
- Parnassus books (USA)Tennessee
- Reading Rock Books (USA)Tennessee
- Complete Book (USA)Texas
- Blue Willow Bookshop (USA)Texas
- Book Woman (USA)Texas
- Brazos Bookstore (USA)Texas
- Katy Budget Books (USA)Texas
- Murder by the Book (USA)Texas
- The Twig Bookshop (USA)Texas
- Nowhere bookshop (USA)Texas
- Back of Beyond books (USA)Utah
- The King’s English Bookshop (USA)Utah
- Over the Moon Bookstore (USA)Virginia
- Prince Books (USA)Virginia
- Sundial Books (USA)Virginia
- Fountain Bookstore (USA)Virginia
- Winchester Book Gallery (USA)Virginia
- Bartleby’s Books (USA)Vermont
- The Book Nook (USA)Vermont
- Northshire Bookstore (USA)Vermont
- The Norwich Bookstore (USA)Vermont
- Phoenix Books (USA)Vermont
- Village Square Booksellers (USA)Vermont
- Politics and Prose (USA)Washington
- Third Place Books (USA)Washington
- Reiter’s books (USA)Washington
- Teaching for change books (USA)Washington
- Ada’s Technical books (USA)Washington
- Auntie’s Bookstore (USA)Washington
- Book ‘n’ brush (USA)Washington
- Eagle Harbor book Co (USA)Washington
- The Elliot Bay Book Co (USA)Washington
- Inklings Bookshop (USA)Washington
- Island Books (USA)Washington
- King’s Books (USA)Washington
- Liberty Bay Books (USA)Washington
- Orca Books (USA)Washington
- Port Book and News (USA)Washington
- Queen Anne Book Co (USA)Washington
- Riverwalk books (USA)Washington
- Seattle Mystery Bookshop (USA)Washington
- Secret Garden books (USA)Washington
- Third Place Books (USA)Washington
- University Bookstore (USA)Washington
- Village Books (USA)Washington
- Vintage Books (USA)Washington
- Watermark Book Co (USA)Washington
- The Book Rack (USA)Washington
- A room of one’s one (USA)Wisconsin
- Arcadia Books (USA)Wisconsin
- Books & Company (USA)Wisconsin
- Northwind book & fiber (USA)Wisconsin
- Redbery Books (USA)Wisconsin
- The Velveteen rabbit bookshop (USA)Wisconsin
- Whistle stop books (USA)Wyoming
- Wind city books (USA)Wyoming
- Book soup (USA)West Hollywood
- Read between the lynes (USA)Woodstock
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Tuesday, January 31, 2017
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